September 01, 2004

Fuming mad...

Just saw 3 bloody-trying-to-grow-up-idiots bullying 4 innocent kids. I really wanted to do something to save the kids, but what could i do? Ok, i'm a coward, being a noral selfish human being, what i could do was only to walk slower and turned back each second to make sure the kids are alright. I hate myself for that. It seems the 3 bastards snatched the kids' football. All the 4 poor kids could do was to sit at the side and watch the 3 bastards play with their soccer ball. Bastards, totally idiots, bullys are such ass, blockhead, boob, booby, cretin, dimwit, donkey, dork, dumb ox, dumbbell, dunce, dunderhead, fool, halfwit, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, jerk, kook, meathead, mental defective, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, pointy head, simpleton, stupid, tomfool, twit, yo-yo(courtesy of What goes on in these people's minds? I don't think i wish to know how they think, their thoughts dirty my mind.

Didn't their parents teach them. Hell, these people have no heart, they're heartless creatures! Even using "creatures" to describe them is insulting the word.They are mere extremely cowardy people who try so hard to prove to themselves that they are so great. Rubbish, at least rubbish can be recycled, they can't. Why? Because they're useless! They only bring harm to the society. They're causing only pollution. They are wastrels, wasting the Earth's resources, causing harm to the environment.

As defined by , they're stupid, brainless, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, dodo, doltish, dopy, dotterel, dull, dumb, dummy, foolish, futile, gullible, half-baked, half-witted, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, loser, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple, simple-minded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, thick, thickheaded, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking, witless.I'm not any great person or noble person who doesn't do bad things, at least i do not harm people who do not deserve to be harmed.

The law is able to control them, because they threaten the society! Yes! They do. Under civil law, a person can be charged if his act threatens the society. The law can deal with them easily, because these imbecile people are idiots who are ignorant! They better not harm the kids or i'll be the first to volunteer to be the witness. Since there are so many people at the playground, with many adults around, i guess they would not dare to harm them, because they're definitely cowardy. Separate them and they'll be useless bums. These people will get their retributions.

May they be knocked down by lorries, fall onto the MRT track just when a train comes by(why don't baddies just die?), get struck by lightning, get robbed of entire valuable stuff, get murdered, get terminal diseases like terminal cancer and die immediately, fall into a pool of shit, bleed to death, crushed by a rock and die on the spot, fail all exams and tests(that's too light a punish), slashed their wrists without being saved, get a serious electric shock and get burnt totally, or fall from 100 storeys. I wish, i wish... They don't deserve any symphathy, because they asked for it, this is exactly what they deserve. I know I'm being rather extreme here, but who cares?

Enough of these rubbish people, or should i say wastrels. Back to my busy but meaningful life.

LSC tutorial was fruitful as usual. Everytime i come out of LSC tutorial, i would feel enlightened. Law is definitely what i'm interested in. Even grew up wishing to be a lawyer, but guess i'm not cut out to be a lawyer, so here i am in DMC. Geez...

DMA project groups are final, the guys are grouped together, and the gals are separated into 2 groups. ;)

Finally got our SB yearbooks, after a long-awaited one year, alright, almost one year.

When we were 1B05...Winoa, Jiayong, Gavin, Ivan missing!

Met up with lipeng to get my my surveys because i left them with her yesterday. Met Cheryl on the train coincidentally. The 3 of us went for some drinks and cakes at Coffee Bean. Indulgence is simply great. Cherly and I chat about the chalets or gatherings that we wished and would organise. Hope our annual gathering would be a successful one, since the JC pple are having their "A"s soon...All the best people! All the best sis! Mum, ah ma, and sis will support you!;)

I bought the M1 notebook which had 5566 as their cover at $3. Okay, i know some are going,"waste money!". But hey, that's part of my interest. Thereafter, we went to Popular and i got the campbell 3-packed instant soup. Funny huh? Buying soup at a bookstore. Bookstores aren't just selling books nowadays, they even sell shower gel and food. Geez, what can i say?

my victories today..haha..

Anyway, the world will be a better one without heartless, crazy, extreme people(terrorists), and many undesirable characters. Maybe living in wonderland isn't a bad idea afterall. Oh my god, what did i just say? Ok, i shall just continue to stay in reality. Geez...

Til Then......

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