February 24, 2012

Passing thoughts

Last night, after I wrote my entry, I stared at my blog skin and the effort I put in creating a shoutbox, jukebox, photos and et cetera. I'd put so much effort into maintaining the blog and picked up HTML on the way. I wouldn't say I mastered it as my skills are mediocre and is only good enough for amateur work. I'm still glad I made good use of what I picked up in school.

My friend commented that I usually blog only when I'm in a negative mood, angry or sad. It's true. Somehow, I only feel like writing only in those emotions. Writing it down enables me to release those negative notion and move on. It helps.
When I'm happy, I'm just happy and feeling the moment. There's no strong desire to pen my positive feelings. I think I should start. I should start counting my blessings and think of how to make things happen for me, instead of lamenting on just how difficult or harsh life has been to me. Or which interesting character ruined my plans or life. I should keep a record of my happy plans too.

To get more positive energy flowing in me, I listened to a recommendation from the idol and bought The Secret, a book with ways of how to live life positively and to fight for what you want in your life. I'm an impatient person so if the book keeps saying the same things, I'll get bored quickly. So I'm only halfway into the book since two years or more ago and never made progress. Something is keeping me from reading again, my iPhone.

Okay, I lost my train of thoughts. I shall end here for now. Ciao!

Till I spread my wings and fly again,
Ching :)

Hi! It has been a long while...

I've been spilling my thoughts all over Twitter as and when I can, that when I'm on this blog, my mind goes blank.

It helps that my Twitter account is made private and I can say so much more with little censoring. For a person like me who prefers writing than talking, it is an ideal platform, though the characters limitation is kind of frustrating.

I thought about what could I write here when names or specific matters should not be mentioned on a public domain. I still don't have an answer for myself. I don't know who is going to read this so I don't feel adequately secure too reveal too much on an open space like this anymore. The insecurity in me just increases with age. Ah...now I understand why the elderly and adults always remind us to be careful when we are on our own, especially in the working environment. 'Cause you can't tell at first sight if a person is genuinely nice or if the person is but a two-faced clown. I fully comprehend now, why those warnings had to be drilled in us . When you're bitten or stabbed from the back, it's just too late. The wound may heal, but the scar will always remind you from falling into the same trap twice.

So, yes. This is the scary working world for me where I have to learn how to work smart to my advantage, while not harming the innocent.
If you won't bite me, I won't bite you. If you keep me safe, I'll appreciate it a whole lot and keep you safer.

Woah, all of a sudden, déjà vu hits. Did I write the same thing some time ago?

Oh well...so that's how I'm capable of turning the situation from having nothing to talk about here, to typing a whole lot.

Good night!

Till I flap my wings and fly again,
Ching :)