October 17, 2004

My funny pose...i wasn't fooling around k...this pose has some purpose...n
photoshop enhanced...geez...

"It's not taxing at all!~"

We went to Winz house, ok, as usual, on saturday, and took photos. It wasnt
for fun, though it was rather fun. Haha....Ooh, and for the first time in ages, I
was EARLY for appointment!!! Hahahahahaha.....Havent been early for a long long time cause the rest are always late, ok not all, but you-know-who-you-are....When i feel that the person would be late, i would dilly dally, and in turn, i become even later than the person and in the end we waste everyone's time. Geez, so, i have decided. I shall try to be early, or at least punctual. Hee...scold me if i'm late(dun be too harsh), or i'll scold you if you're later than me(i'll be fierce) Hahaha.....;D

By the way, last week in the midst of doing our project, Clarice and I left our group to pose for some promotional brochure for Mr Loh's sake at the DMS. Here's 2 photos..
Clarice and Weeting in DMS...from this angle, it looks awkward..but..No...They're not doing anything funny...juz debating on some girl's voice on the screen....geez...

In Digital Media Studio...posing for the brochure..."smile..bring out the sparkle in your eyes!!

In Weeting's clubhouse...Des playing wif the 'Sword'...oops...

Jiayong preparing to counter attack Desmond....Ahhh!!.....

During tutorial, Mr Loh was asking who he should ask to pose for the brochure, and we suggested Desmond. But he didnt come to school, as usual?
Mr Loh calling Des, asking him to come to sch to pose for the DMC brochure, scheduled to be distributed nex yr to cheat little kids...haha..jk..

In the end...he still didnt come...haha...
Around that few days, i met Diana at the main library, doing her project too, think she was writing her report for Media in Asia. Thought of taking that
module, hmmm...well, i would think about that in the future when it's time..

Diana and me...guess where we took this photo?.................guess.....guess...........guess..............yepz, the toilet! hahaha....

Ok, gotta do my Feature Writing article now....

Til Then.....;) ChEeRs!~~

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