April 07, 2007

A joke turned bad

It was totally uncalled for, a joke turned bad - miscommunication that brought about misunderstanding, and an extra buzzing bee thrown in to fan the flames.

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It's stressful to organise any events, because you're held responsible for everything. When things go well, people don't thank you for that because assuming that things would go as planned is a thinking of the norm. Besides, that's what everyone hopes for, isn't it? But when one thing proceeds any other way but the way you planned, the whole train collapses as well. Anyone thinks we cannot understand this? Buzz off if you're ignorant, we don't need your guidance, no thanks.

Miscommunication = Misunderstanding = Irrational Emotions = Irrational Behavior = Dire Consquences

Then this song came to our minds:
"無心傷害, 你應該明白...
I never meant, I never meant to hurt you..."
(verses from Alex To's song)

So our friendship for more than a decade is that fragile? That I didn't know. I probably don't wish to know. It's upsetting enough. If there're enough reasons to remain angry even after our apologies, actions taken, remorse, and time having passed, then I believe we have sufficient reasons to be upset about the whole incident too. Please also remember to put our feelings at that point of time and all throughout the night into consideration. It certainly did not go anywhere near good.

Urgh...this is all so pointless, just so pointless. The whole incident is simply meaningless, I don't wish to say anymore, since the one who should be listening won't listen now.

We're officially forsaken for now. Our sincerity? Forgotten. Period.

Off I am to Dreamland in hope of peace and solace. -End of story-

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