August 25, 2004

Completed my DMA, moving on...

Next up, ECM, DMA, OM,and still MMR, anymore?

At least most of the projects are on track, as in things are done on time and probs have not yet cropped up. Yes, not yet...

The 'headlines' today.....
Nooooooooo.......!!!!!!!!The secret was certainly sent a chill down my spine. A sudden rush of cold wind swept through in the scorching sun. It's too unbelievable to be believed...I thought i heard wrongly, but i was proven right. Is it a good or bad thing? I really dont know, but the thought scares me..There're just so many could be fake, could be for real...I don't know...but my bitchy side creeps up, wanting to know more even if it really isn't appropriate..whatever...My curiosity is killing me...

I cant let it get to my mind, "Delete" cant work...oh no..."Force Quit"..That's it...close the whole file...

Next file up, "Today's DMA".

It was my turn to borrow the PowerBook today. I know i shouldn't complain about it, since Nina, Clarice, and Desmond's were much heavier, but it's really darn heavy! And the responsibility of taking great care of something that's not yours is greater than taking care of your own precious things. Why, cuz it's not mine, anything happens and I'm held responsible! Geez, certainly don't want that kind of trouble, do I? No...

Thankz to the Mac PowerBook, i completed my DMA editing. My clip was rather satisfying, considering the fact that i spent 8hrs(1:30pm to 9:30pm). Thankz Winz, for letting poor me and Nity to her house for guidance on our editing..hee..appreciate that..a box of Meiji choc? Haha..I managed to put my thoughts into the trailer, the way i wanted it, although not exactly, it's enough...Hoping it gets me a decent mark...geez...

Once I've burned the movie clip tomorrow, it's done!

Geez....k...sleepy already, watch my "Cowherd and Weaver" at 1:20am and off i go to bed...Nitez!~ ;)

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