It's been a year since we last saw Dr. Wheeler, our professor for our Arts & the World module last October.

That's fast! I haven't realised a year had passed since I started on this degree course, and it's probably wake-up time now. Not that I've been getting lousy grades and that I should start studying hard, I've been getting grades that are mainly satisfactory to me and Daddy, but more of straightening my thoughts all jumbled up there and start considering my career path. Man, I'm undecided. I wanted to graduate fast when I first started the course but now when we're about halfway through, a different feeling surges. Urgh...
Anyway, it was a nice dinner, with good company and good food(even though we've gone there a million times now - kidding!)

Like our amiable Granny

I didn't take too many pictures of the food cuz the humans were starving and dug into the meats almost immediately once they landed on the dinner table.

The next time we meet Dr. Wheeler will be next April when we fly over to Oklahoma. We're so looking forward to it, to the month's stay there, graduation ceremony, and of course, extension of the trip. Afterall, having flown twenty over hours over the oceans, it doesn't make sense not to make use of the chance to travel to other places as well, unless circumstances do not permit. If it does, I want to go to the Disneyland, I hadn't had enough fun there when I went there 11 years ago; one day simply isn't sufficient. Visiting my Uncle and cousins in Vancouver sounds good too, but he'll probably be too busy with his business to bring me around. Gee..
If touring around USA isn't an option, then I would very gladly hope to transit at Japan and stay for a few days there. I don't mind travelling alone, it would be extremely exciting, considering my knowledge of the native language - not much, even though I attempted to pick up the language by buying a purple-colored-covered book teaching it (or is it a Japanese-English dictionary? I can't remember.) Of course, I welcome with my open arms, someone who wishes to go touring Japan with me. If this hope realizes, I guess I will be contacting Clarice every now and then to ask her about Japan and its language. Haha... And maybe I might bump into one of TVXQ's events in Japan! (Allow me to dream, can?) Probably I could fly over to Korea too, and practise the little korean I'm learning, again, on my own and through free online lessons. Budget!
Urgh, now isn't the time to let my beautiful thoughts of travelling roam, but who doesn't want to?
Gee... "Money, money, money, please come to me!" Celest, you wana hire me as your Mandarin translator for your Xiaozhu forum? haha...
Random 1:
I've got a lot of random thoughts, especially these days. Some of which I dwell too much on, and some I simply push to the back of the mind. I might be cooping myself at home too much, with the examinations and assignments hoovering around and never really getting to doing it, that I'm getting some mood swings. I cry easily when I watch shows, dramas, or even clips of people crying. I get emotional, but I recover fast. Or maybe, it's just PMS. Bleargh...
Random 2:
It's October 3, 2007, 5:10AM now. I'm feeling slightly sleepy but cannot fall asleep. I'm enjoying the peace of the night too much that it does my body no good here in Singapore. However, I guess it helps when we go over to the US, I think I can adapt to the jetlag faster. Oh well...
Random 3:
For the whole day (October 2, 2007) up to this moment (October 3, 2007), I've been listening to just one song. Repeating and repeating endlessly, and I'm still not sick of it. I have the habit of sticking to one song and listening to just that song if it really captures me. After about a month or two, I would then get really sick of it and not even click on it for the next month. My highest record to date is three months. Wahahahaha... By the way, this current song that got me is the second video in my previous post. The melody speaks melancholy and the lyrics, beautiful. Of course, the vocals play a big part too. ;)
Random 4:
I'm trying to learn how to play the piano recently, by myself. Lack of funds to go for classes. Free teaching, anyone? Any kind souls? Oh, and I did mention I was "trying to learn," one toddler step at a time. I can play Ode to Joy and My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean with some chords now. *Applause, please* Thank You! Practise for the simpler version of Canon is ongoing but making slow progress. Him-ne-sae-yo! Gam-ba-li-mas!
Random 5:
I think I'm talking nonsense now. My fingers just keep going, typing whatever comes to mind. Fine, I shall go to sleep and allow my body to replenish whatever it needs. The Moon is chasing me off to Dreamland before it changes shift with the Sun so that Chang-e has a companion to search for the bunny that had gone hunting. See, I'm full of rubbish now. Bleargh...
That's all folks! Fighting! Jal ja yo!~
Cheers to anything that's worth a cheer! ;D