March 18, 2005

Like a ghost...

Like a Ghost...

Once, a friend told me i was like a ghost. When i drifted into class, they didnt notice until reccess. When i disappeared, they once again didn't notice until they had something to say to me.

I often drift in and drift away quiely, so much so that with or without my presence doesnt make much of a difference. Haha...


I think i like to do things quietly. Such that when i enter a room, i'll drift off to my seat(if there is), or hide in some quiet corner. So...i'm those kind who will look at everyone having fun, and have a drink in the corner myself cuz i dont like to be in the limelight for certain things.

Even when i'm getting to know new friends, i will say "Hi", then drift off to a corner and shut up for the whole day.

Another friend said i had a golden mouth--meaning i dont talk much because i'm afraid that once i open my mouth, gold will drop out of my mouth.

Even in lectures or classes, i dont like the idea of talking. When people talk in class during lesson time, i'll be irritated by the noise. Of course, a few sentences, jokes, or questions are alright. But talking throughout class or lecture is too much. Cuz i think that it is not only disturbing, but also disrespectful.



Til Then Folks..ChEeRs!~ :\

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