happy shopping......
Met with Huimin after school today. We went to Bugis initially to check out the Maybelline Colours Fair at Bugis, hoping to get the goodie bag, but it was already out of stock.
On the way to parco bugis junction, there was this old lady selling tissue papers sitting at a corner, i had always wanted to buy some tissue from her but she always disappear the nex time i appear, so this time, huimin said,"eh, donate now la, or else she'll disappear again," and i bought 3 packets of tissue from her, a simple "Thank you" from her in cantonese brighten my day, it feels so good to be able to help people a little. Later in the day, as we sat down for a rest at coffee bean, an old lady, younger than the previous one, approached us with 3 packets of tissue and said," Miss, it's only $1, Thank you" in mandarin. How could i reject? And so, i ended up buying 6 packets of tissue..haha...At least a little portion of my money was spent in a good way today...
Having wanted to get a new lipstick for a long time, i looked around the mini fair and managed to get a 3D glitter lipstick, it was 5% cheaper than usual retail stores, geez, din't make much a difference.
Since we would be given a gift set if we spent $25, huimin and I combined what we bought to meet the mark. Huimin bought an eyeliner....hmmm..seems interesting...
my victories..
Lucky huimin picked a beach carrier bag from the lucky dip. We shared the 12 items in the gift set among ourselves. The gift set was rather worth it cause some items, when added together, iy actually costs more than my lipstick...geez..
After the satisfying cosmetics splurge, we went on to walk around Bugis. Went to Watsons to get my Hawaiian bag, quite cute, seems rather 'Clarice', hee...
my bag..
Pure Zone facial wash due to recommendations...
The climax of the day was when the usual sharp-eyed huimin noticed Caresee(wrong spelling, something like tt anyway..). She has job-hopped again, first it was "Ke Cai"(some face mask company), than SK II, now Intenz. i can confirm she's not studying anymore, why? (Cant be bothered to care, juz being nosy anyway) She don't recognise us at all. She even looked as if she attempted to promote us her products. Geez..But i was thinking, we made such a big hoo-ha of our conflict with her, surely she remembers how we treated her, or she lost her memory? Whatever....Maybe she just chooses to forget.
Huimin wanted to buy a sundress, so off we went to Bugis street to scavenge for cheap but worthy stuff. We always manage to find something nice, cheap, and most of all doesn't-look-cheap kind of stuff. Love the feeling of shopping, when you bring the things home and lay them all out, going through the items one by one, you realise many items you bought aren't necessary, but you bought it anyway, and most importantly, you feel happy, although your wallet is bleeding.
Another highlight of the day was the skit for our OM tutorial. My classmates are just so good in acting out skits..haha...
For my group, ya, my group, i was the manager, who is to scold everyone and blame everyone else except myself. I have to admit it was rather fun scolding people, I tink i would be such a terrible boss in the future, considering i would be one hopefully. I might not be acting afterall, it seemed after the thingy that i felt it might be what i feel. Of course, you pple know it's not you. Hmmm. Nina's right, what's come has come, it's useless to avoid. So, I'm waiting for your performance Nina...mayb performance isn't a right word, somewhere there...geez..
Face up to reality, wake up. Stop living in Dreamland.
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