Never get too settled in your comfort zone
If you're facing a quarter or mid-life crisis and trying to do something about it, Congratulations, you're still an active person. By active, I mean at least you're trying to do something about it. Not give reasons like, "Oh, I don't have time," "I don't think it's necessary," "I'll wait for the right timing." Let me ask you, so when is the right timing? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? Or might as well next lifetime?
After experiencing the loved ones' deaths these couple of years, I've learnt not to waste time in my life. There must be a balance of work and life every week of my life. There's a time to strive hard for a better future, and there's a time to strengthen the bonding of the loved ones - family and friends. Besides that, I give myself some "me" time.
An ordinary person would always think that there's always tomorrow, or next week, or next month to do stuff. But no, no one knows when your time will be up. When it's up, you don't appear translucent beside your loved ones. You don't get to hug them anymore. You don't get to say sorry that oen last time. Time's up. Period.
One of Auntie AiAi's last words on her death bed made a huge impact on me. She said "I don't want to die." It still hurts my heart a lot when it comes to my mind. But she's a very pro-active person. She takes action for what she wants to do almost immediately. There's no time to waste. Even in her final stages of cancer, she didn't seem to let the pain and weakness of the physical body stop her from doing what her mind wants to accomplish.
I applaud and respect her for that. She never gave up on herself. I miss you, Auntie AiAi.
Aside to that, I get sort of angry when I see people sucking on that stupid white or brown thing called cigarette. Not only because I have to sniff 2nd hand smoke which is twice as harmful as 1st hand smoke for nothing, but because they don't cherish what they have - an originally healthy body.
People who are stricken with incurable illnesses are fighting for their lives. What are you doing???
If you get any illness from it because of your silly act, well, that's the consequences. I have nothing to say about your decision, except to feel sad for your family and friends who might lose you anytime. Have you thought of people the feelings of the people who love you?
Putting it blatantly, if you leave the human world, it's a full-stop to your life. That's it, no turning back. You're not the one who suffers the most. Mental hurt is worse than physical hurt. The people who suffer most from your departure are people who love you, the woman who give birth to you, the grandparents who doted on you, the friends who cherish you for who you are. The heartaches will haunt them for their lives. And in certain cases, what if their lives comes to a standstill because of your departure? Or that your departure hits them so hard that they decide to leave this world along with you? You like that? I don't. I don't want to die from such dumb reasons. I don't want my family and friends to suffer from that. It's totally unnecessary.
Ever wondered why people who sell drugs don't take drugs?
Simple, cuz they're smart. They know it's of no good, at all. So these smart tabacco companies just grow their wealth when people with silly mindsets jump onto the bandwagon sending them to hell. Great! Work out the math, will you? It's not hard.
These few pararaphs may offend many, but I plead with you to think of it reasonably and carefully. Does it make sense to you?
Too often, i hear people complaining about their lives. And I wonder, after the complaints, are they doing something to change their lives? Or simply "living it to heaven's will"?
At an age of 23+, i'm not letting my life slow down. I won't let anything get in my way if i'm set to achieve their goal. Orthodox methods, of course. I despise underhand means. Using underhand means to achieve the goals equate to nothing. Even at 40, I don't think I will lead a boring life. I don't want to leave faint and easily washable footprints after my life ends. I want them to last long and be impactful. No, i'm not aiming to be someone of high social status or be a president or go all out to make a difference. I just aim to have not let myself down when I need to leave the world one day. (*touches the wooden desk)
Probably because my parents have been supportive of many things that I want to do, and there's no emotional strings attached, I'm used to going ahead with my decisions if i've analysed the pros and cons and am willing to fall and climb back up if any obstacles along the way make me trip.
I don't really comprehend "Because whoever doesn't like me doing this or that, or wearing certain kind of clothes, or setting a curfew." If it's for valid or safety reasons, fine. But if it's based on personal likes and dislikes or biasness, It won't stop be from doing what I want. I'm not unreasonable nor a rash person. I go with reason. Level your reasoning with me and I'll accept it. Cuz I understand everyone has different scales of importance in their lives. You have yours, I have mine.
But if you're aimlessly leading life day to day, hello? Wake up, please! For the sake of people who cherish and love you - those whose heart will ache for you, will sacrifice for you, will cry for you, will lend a genuine helping hand to you in times of need...
I don't know how long is my life span. No ones knows. I just know I don't want to die young. I don't want to die with a tainted heart. I don't want to die with too many regrets in my life. However, the Law Of Attaction says the more you hate for something negative to happen, the more you'll attract the negative to occur. Therefore, i'm changing my perspective to what I WANT to happen. As the renowned book, The Secret, reveals, think positivey of what you WANT to happen, and the universe will work out its way to make things happen that way.
Thanks to encouragements and tips from The Secret, i'm looking forward to life more possitively and gearing myself to charge forward, positively. :)
Disclaimer: If you think it's you i'm pointing fingers at. No, i'm not. I'm talking about the world in general. Really, trust me, will you? :)