
It may just be a useful skill to others, but I've always wanted to know how to drive ever since I was a kid. Since I was a baby, I've always sat in my dad's car and seen him man the machine to make it move and get us to places. In fact, I must have already felt it when I was still in my mum's womb; babies inside their mum's womb are actually already aware of their surroundings, they just don't remember it when they grow up because everyone gets amnesia at a certain age (about one-year-old or so) and forgets their "baby-hood," according to a Discovery programme.
And so, I'm finally working towards realising my goal of handling the moving machine and truly falling in love with it. It's funny how I put off learning to drive when I'm 18, I was probably afraid that I might not be able to handle it after all and disappoint myself. Hahaha...
Trivia: Do you know that driving was legal at the age of 16 before I think year 2001, in Singapore?
I was at the age of 15, excited at the fact that I could learn driving the next year end since my birthday was in November (on the 15th by the way. ;P) Then they had to announced that they're pushing the age back to 18, for good reasons. I guess I don’t blame them, 16 is indeed too young a age for drivers to learn responsibility, even 18 is too young for some.
Oh well... this is no time to worry if I would be able to control that moving machine well now, my advertising campaign is waiting for me in another window and throwing a temper, I can't possibly ignore it when it's due this Saturday, so is the advertising examination. Back to my advertising campaign!!! Urgh...the more I get nearer to completing it, the more I doubt if I'm on the right track...