December 2006 Update
Before the year ends, i thought it would be nice for a little update. A major one, in fact, for the month of December 2006. Here goes...!
~{ December 3, 2006 - ChingChing's Birthday Celebration}~
The actual birthday is usually reserved for the parents or other half, so V4 celebrated Ching's birthday the day before. We were like young fashionable mums bringing a 3 year old kid down the streets cuz Cheryl's nephew insisted on tagging along. Yup, all those stares tell us all. Passer-bys must be guessing whose kid it belongs to. None of us, dumb! We're not married, yet. (Which reminds me of Rice's incident - the 'so-full-my-tummy-shows' one..hehheh...)
Nice photos, eh? I think the place (McCafe at Shaw House) has good lighting on a sunny day. Plus, all thanks to the malay guy who lent us his own lighter, the candles on our cake could finally be lit. But the look on his face told us we look like smokers. Eh, nope. Definitely not, we like our lungs healthy, thank you.
~{ December 5, 2006 - Brother's Birthday}~
We've always like being adventurous (sometimes). And my Dad and Brother love visiting museums nowadays, so there we go, to Hua Song Museum hidden in Haw Par Villa.
Dinner at Tony Roma's...
My Ribs sampler combo was great! So was the price.. but the taste made up for the hole in Dad's pocket, so it's recommended. Oh, and the menu did say it was for the undecided, so yes, you get to try everything.. =)
Celebration back home...
It was a fun day, immersing myself with my cultural roots, indulging in good food, enjoying simple pure enjoyment. (Hey, it's a Cumulative Sentence! I'm putting what I've learnt to good use, Dr Phelps! ;D )
~{ December 14, 2006 - Grandpa's Birthday Celebration}~
It must have been more than a decade since Uncle Ben was back to celebrate Grandpa's birthday with him. But it was more of a coincidence actually. Uncle actually rushed home from Vancouver to visit his sister, afraid it might be the last time. Sad as it is, Aunt is in her last stage of cancer. Although she's very determined to fight the cancer demon out of her life, it seems to stick on her too much, coming back every few months after it's shaken off. We do hope she eventually recovers from it too, but her doctor has asked us to be mentally prepared for the worst, much as we would still like to keep our hopes up. Oh well, being sad doesn't help, being happy might lift her spirits up, probably the minimum we could do now. Yes, so it was Grandpa's birthday, according to the Lunar calendar. As usual, the family got together on this supposedly happy occassion. Thus, it's all smiles still!
~{ December 19, 2006 - Dinner with De'lites}~
Good food..
Good company..
Good appetite..
Good gossiping..
What more can I say? ;D
Still waiting for photos... Nineh?
~{ December 21, 2006 - Dinner with Dr Phelps}~
Very soon, it was the last class with the Professor for our second module - Research & Writing in the Academic Community. It was like learning how to write in English all over again, but we learnt a lot more from the very entertaining Dr Terry Phelps nevertheless. You might think, we've learnt about grammar and how to use commas when we were in primary school, but have you ponder whether you're using your commas correctly? Bet we've all left it mainly to Microsoft Word for checking our grammar and spelling, isn't it? I was guilty of that too. However, having gone through Dr Phelps' classes, I'll cut fat from my writings (only in formal writing, this is free writing so it doesn't really matter =D), take note of my grammar, use of commas, language, and all that matters. Yup!
Time to say goodbye after the dinner and photo-taking session, but it isn't easy. The reluctance resulted in a two-hour stand beside the christmas tree at Ngee Ann City. Dr Phelps entertained us with impersonations of Donald Duck, Daffy Duck, and many more. This professor sure is multi-talented. Some of our classmates even recorded the impersonations on video and promised to load it on YouTube for all to admire. Like Dr Phelps said, it'll definitely cheer us up if we were to be in a bad mood. We'll surely miss you, Dr Phelps! Seeya in Oklahoma! ;D
~{ December 23, 2006 - Christmas Dinner cum Gift Exchange with the YCSS bunch 2006}~
Dinner at Hooters for all, then karaoke for the girls, and partying for the guys thereafter
I'm gonna complain for the gift exhange! I contributed a close to 20 bucks present and got a 4 bucks present in return. What did we say? Price of present should be around $10 to $15 Singapore dollars! I'm fuming... but what can I do except strangle the guy whose present I receive. ZQ, you heard cheat! Oh well.............. -_- "'
No doubt, I still enjoyed the night pretty much, though it could have been better if more people could make it. Not that it wasn't fun (ahem), it just could have been better with more firecrackers around. They did say, the more the merrier, isn't it?
~{ December 25, 2006 - Merry Christmas!~ Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way...}~
Yes, I'm getting lazy, you realise the words get lesser and lesser as the day goes by. So here's a picture decorated with snow for ya on the Christmas day...
~{ December 29, 2006 - Party at Steph's Place! - BMCD20611A}~
Late Christmas celebration, early New Year celebration, the celebration of yet another module completed (classes, i mean).
Good games..
Good fun..
Good movies..
Good company..
Still waiting for photos too!~
Goodbye, 2006! It's been a great year, and I certainly hope for 2007 to be even better! Cheers!!! =D