Recently I chanced upon this friend's blog, let's just call this person A and assume this person is a she.
She admitted she was a smoker on the blog, claiming it's for the first time.
Although we weren't and aren't close friends, it hurts me to know that another friend has subjected to smoking. It always does.
All in the name of stress.
There are certain things people do that i might never understand. I never will.
Smoking is one of them.
I once talked to my dad about my hatred for cigrattes, and i still do. My dad admitted to smoking when he was in the army, he said most of them smoked, so he followed suit. So is it following blindly or succumbing to peer pressure?
He then explained that army life is tough, and a puff of the white and brown roll takes the stress off for that moment. I can picture how tough army life is just by imagining, but is it right to smoke? A definite 'no', I should say. "Excuse!" was what i replied.
Thank Guan Yin Niang Niang, Thank Ye Ye, Thank Mum, Thanks to every god, everyone, and anyone, that my father quit smoking when he decided to marry my mum for the sake of everyone's health. I'm truly grateful, thankful, beholden, gratified, indebted, much obliged, pleased, that my dad did a sensible thing after making a senseless mistake. I love my dad for who he is now.
Did you know I used to dislike my Dad's mum just because she smoked in the past? Yes, i did. Since young, i hated the behaviour of smoking. Everytime she smoked, i would run to the room, to the toilet, to the playground, in fact, anywhere, except the living room filled with smelly smoke. Now that she quit smoking for health reasons for over a decade, i'm starting to like her, starting to understand her, starting to get close to her. I'm even making an effort to brush up my Cantonese in order to be able to converse with her. I realise, i do like her now.
When smoke from my neighbours' residence float to mine, my brother will close the door immediately, hating the smell as well.
Sometimes it takes a child to differentiate what's right and wrong.
I''m not saying people who smokes are all baddies, I fully understand there are plenty of nice and kind people who, unfortunately smokes. I've met plenty, and nothing you say can make them stop smoking. If it's a person you've respected, it's even more heart-breaking for there'll always be a blemish in my view of that person, even though i know for real that the person is a good person.
The main reason why I first starting hating smoke was because of my sensitive nose. My poor nose can't handle the smoke, it doesn't want to and doesn't find a reason why it should. When i grew up, knowing the harmful effects of smoking only grew my hatred for it.
I've tried, and I've failed. Since nothing i say staggers their determination to kill themselves and their loved ones earlier, what else can i say?
I'm only thankful that my close family members and close friends do not smoke. Thank you for keeping my lungs and your lungs free of unwanted dirty tar. Thanks, i really appreciate your wise judgement of not smoking or have given up smoking.
Lastly, i wish for the ban on smoking to be enforced worldwide, especially in enclosed areas, and where children are present, even in clubs where untainted lungs want to have some fun too.
People question why is smoking wrong? Well, they know the reasons themselves, so there's no need to ask an obvious question.
Thank you for reading.
Just my cents worth.
Til then folks...;) Cheers to healthy lungs!
July 28, 2005
July 25, 2005
I'm a brave girl!
I'm a brave girl!
I finally went to cut off the darn ingrown toenail! Finally..
I had read up cases and explanations on the internet, i even read one case that was so serious that she was referred to the hospital because it caused some infections. Fortunately mine wasn't that serious yet, if i had dragged it any longer, it might just become worse.
But i had not, simply cuz it hurt too much, so much that i couldn't wear covered shoes, so much that it hurts like crazy when gently touched.
I musteered my courage and called my family doctor's clinic.
"Hello, eh, i would like to ask about removal of ingrown toenail."
"Oh, remove ingrown toenail ah?"
"Ya, may i know how much is it?"
"It'll be $50."
"Oh, $50. (I had expected it to be more expensive)"
"Ok, then do i need to make an appointment?"
"No need, just come in the afternoon lah."
"Oh, ok. Thanks! I'll come tomorrow then."
Then i thought, Rine's right, 'get it over and done with'. So i set my mind, went home, and dragged my mum to the clinic with me.(Actually she went with me voluntarily..)
When we reached the clinic, i still felt rather calm, glad that i had made the decision to finally come for this minor operation. When the doctor took out all the tools and the anesthetic.
"It'll hurt a little when i inject the anesthetic jab."
"Ok" i replied, feeling more nervous by the second.
Man, the jab really hurts...But i clenched my teeth, held my hands tightly together, and squeezed my eyes shut, thinking "This has to be done!"
Slowly, my toe lost all senses, and the tools were taken out.
"Do you want to watch?"
"No" i replied without hesitating.
So i laid down, and looked at the doctor's qualifications hung beside me while he removed the ingrown.
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, NUS. (wow..)
Bachelor of Science(Hons) Flinders University. (wow..)
Many more qualifications..(wow..)
I seriously doubt i'll ever get that many qualifications, not to mention getting honours..
So the ingrown was removed...The doctor showed me the part of the nail that cut into my flesh, it was covered i blood. My poor toe...
It didn't really hurt when the effects of the anesthetic jab went off, but i was to stay home and allow my feet to rest for a few days.
So that means no shopping! URGH!!!
Nity commented that my wrapped toe looked like marshmallow...OK...
Lucky felt sad for my toe...
This little dog felt emphatised with me...
Even the tiger looked over here...
My bear bear pitied me...
it was so in shock that it almost fell down...
that the cow turned pink...
that Rine covered her face...
that Nina, Rice, and Nity tried to be funny...
Nity even tried to play a slow for me...eh...
So my toe is slowly recovering now...
Lesson to be learnt: Never cut your nails way too deep!
Til then folks!~ Cheers to my bravery..Haha.. ;)
so she said... HsuehChing on Monday, July 25, 2005 0 comments
July 13, 2005
I'm singing in the rain. Just singing in the rain...
Two more psycho-ed into patronising Partyworld over competitor..Muahahaha...(and i don't get paid for it..Hmmm...)
Til Then Folks...:)
so she said... HsuehChing on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 0 comments
July 11, 2005
Double-boiled Black Chicken Soup
Double-boiled Black Chicken Soup
Double-boiled Black Chicken Soup, a soup to that is supposed to bring you back to health, and is especially suitable for the females who are naturally not as strong in the body constitution.
I love this soup, but my mum tends to put too much "Dang Gui"(a kind of herb) so occassionally it'll taste somewhat weird. Putting aside the weird taste, mum's black chicken soup is quite nice actually, considering the effort and time she puts into it.
A lot of youngster do not like these herbal kind of stuff, but i do like the unique herbs' taste and smell. Probably because i've grown up drinking and eating kinds of concoction from the medical hall and actually recovering fully.
"Aiya, nowadays all those kids don't know how to drink these kind of herbal soup one la. They only know how to complain smelly and not nice! Don't know what's good for them."
How true...
V3 once said i must have been the boss/lady boss of a medical hall in my previous life to like herbs. Well, i suppose...
That then brings us to the recent raves about Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM).
I remember seeing a forum discussing about the credibility of RCM. Surprisingly or not, 80% claim that they do believe in TCM. Reason for most of them being the existence of TCM tracks back to the ancient days where people fully depend on these hearbs to recover from illnesses. If it had been useful for such a long time, it sure is reliable.
Gee... Perharps i might lose interest in working in the media one day, get a chinese sinseh liscense, and set up my own TCM clinic...
You never know about the future...
Today past rather quickly, probably ecause i skipped the first 2 tutorials to prepare for my WFW retake.Can you believe i actually requested for it? Yea, you heard right, i requested for it. Well, at least i have a decent mark for it now. :)
Cheryl and I were like gluttons today, eating from place to place, stuffing ourselves crazy even though we weren't exactly starving. But i'm glad i had my double-boiled black chicken soup. I love jurong west market. Besides the good food, cheap but wide variety of stuff, it brings back wonderful memories, memories that cannot be forgotten, be it my previous "Old House" as i call it, the Yong Tau Foo i always had just beside my block cz it was sold by 2 old folks, the ever-active RC members' folk dance or whatever dance they dance, or the pasar malam that proved too noisy even after 11pm.
Well, gotta work tomorrow. Thank goodness, finally i can anticipate some cashflow INTO my bank account and not the usual outflow. First day of work tomorrow, kinda worried that i'll make a fool out of myself... Wish me luck...
Til then folks... ;)
so she said... HsuehChing on Monday, July 11, 2005 0 comments
July 06, 2005
Break Time!
Break Time!
Photos, photos, and nothing but photos... Oh, and cake, salad, and Starbucks coffee...
The 'lovers'
The one-day late birthday lady
The 'expert photographer', she claims.
Here's our "expert photographer's" work..
My Pasta Salad!
Eat and discuss, eat and discuss...
Oops...Rine spilled some water!!!
"AH!!!" Faster wipe!
A huge patch of water and a pasta....haha..
Rice then decided to disturb Nity with her fishy pencil case...
"Don't want!"
"Eh!" Nity fends off the attack feebly.
Finally, a moment of peace...
Paparazzi taking a picture of the photographer taking a photo of the celebrities during interview...
Look at the amount of food we ate and the drinks that went down!
We actually finished the whole cake..
Nice drink?
Rice decided to act autistic...
Smile...or laugh, whichever makes you happy...(Courtesy of The Mirror)
With the sky...
"What you want?!?!"
Jap-student-wannabe-cluthing-lunch-box-carrying-bagpack is quietly waiting for her bus...
Then she decided to act funny..
and make a wish..
Nina and her best friend---The Bin.
We were at India's industrial park.....kidding...
They made me do this!!!
And the 4 good students went back to school to a boring class...
so she said... HsuehChing on Wednesday, July 06, 2005 0 comments