Infatuated with Crystals
If you'd noticed, i'm been wearing some crystal bracelets which i'm lately into.

You might wonder, What's so special about them?
Well, they don't only look nice when they sparkle, they can actually change a person's luck through the magnetic forces.(if you believe that is...)
I'm not exactly that superstitious, but it doesnt hurt to try, so why not? Even if it doesn't work physically, it will somehow work psychologically, and the good thing about it being a decorative item on my hand is, it sparkles!(Now i sound so vain...oh well..)
Believe it or not, crystals have these magnetic forces which will, in one way or another, change your luck, in the good way of course.
I did some minor research which can't really be considered a research, but anyway, when you buy these crystal bracelets home, you'll have to neutralise the magnetic forces before it'll work cuz of a simple reason, the forces are mixed up and confused by the forces by the previous handlers.
If the previous handler is a kind-hearted and simply a great person, good for you. If unfortunately the previous person who handled the stuff is a wicked person who only does bad deeds, then you better neutralise the magnetic forces quickly.
Since it's hard to tell who handled your crystal before you, neutralisation is the best way. But if you didn't neitralise your crystals but you naturally feel good wearing them, you can well continue wearing them without neutralizing.
But don't be too obsessed with keeping the magnetic forces pure with only your forces and not allow all of your family and friends to touch it. It's alright for them to touch it for a litle while cuz it won't really affect.
Do you know, crystals can have feelings for its owner if the owner wears it for a long time? Well, it seems so...
After talking so much of crystals, if you're convinced and have gotten yourself one, here a method i personally use for neutralisation...
Firstly, you put your crystal bracelet on/beside a crystal ball overnight as the big crystal ball can help its little counterpart.
Next, you place the crystal bracelets in the fridge, yes, you heard right, the fridge, for a good 3 to 4 hours. The colder the better...
(Imagine the clock spinning...)
4 hours later, take the bracelet out of the fridge and hold it in your hands for 20 minutes to activate the crystal. Ya, activate.
If the crystal stays warm even after 3 to 5 mins, congratulations, your crystal bracelet is activated and ready for use!
I have even bought one for my Dad and one for my Mum. My Bro doesn't need it yet. Ok, i confess, it was selling at only 3 for $10 cuz the lady in I think mid-sixties gave me this offer, cuz she said," Never mind la, just sell you 3 for $10 since my boss not seeing". Hahaha... Thanks! I bought one mum, one for dad, and one for myself, so none for bro...hahaha..
Next time perharps..i'm a good sister..Well, Daddy says a good girl don't tell lies, and i don't... (hehe)
Next, i would buy it for Grandma and Grandpa...Hmmm..gradually everyone around me will have one, that's if i have the money..haha..
Each colour has a meaning of it's own.
Purple for wisdom, good memory and everything that has to do with being intellectual. With the scary Final Year Project weighing on every nerve in my body, i think i need better memory and greater wisdom please.
I'm not sure about blue, but i simply love that colour now. As for pink, i shall leave it to your own investigation.. ;)
If you think wearing it doesn't look nice or if you're a male and you resent wearing sparkling female stuff, you can keep it in your bag or simply somewhere close to you, it works the same way.
Good Luck!~
Til Then Folks...;)